Sandys Objects to Westmarsh Campsite Application
Laura Sandys MP today voiced her great concern over a planning application which has been submitted to Dover District Council with regards to the stationing of 13 mobile homes for agricultural workers and the erection of a kitchen/ shower/toilet block on Clampits Farm in Westmarsh (ref: DOV/11/0934).
Laura said: “I strongly oppose this planning application, not least because I have been advised that it relates to a development which earlier this year was subject to an enforcement notice with uses being required to cease by 7th October. Such campsites have become a blight upon the lives of those resident in the Westmarsh. The residents of the village should have a say in the future of their environment and they are quite robustly saying that this is not the one they envisage. As of today, over twenty-five objections to this application have been lodged with the Council and I have also written to outline my objections. I firmly believe that democracy should prevail.”
Ms Sandys has been assisting the residents of Westmarsh in addressing several campsites in the village which have never received planning authorisation. She has raised the issue with Government Ministers and is also pursuing these developments with both Dover District Council and the Gangmaster’s Licensing Authority. She is pushing for greater enforcement laws to stop these illegal developments mushrooming across our rural areas.